Tuesday, March 15, 2016

TOW (& Answer)...

Book Jacket for: Birds of North America : Western regionThe question of the week asked about the behavior of the western screech-owl.  To answer we will quote from our source’s paragraph on behavior:
Nocturnal; becomes active at dusk.  Feeds on variety of small mammals, birds, reptiles, large insects, and arachnids, but the primary food is large insects.  Small mammals carried to the nest to feed the young often are decapitated by the adults.  Surplus food is cached in winter roosting cavities.  Roosts by day in cavities or thick vegetation. Sedentary, often staying in the same home range throughtout the year; males may defend a territory for as long as 10 months.  Courtship begins as early as February when the male begins calling each night shortly after sunset to attract a mate.  The calls cease when a pair is formed.
The question (& answer) were taken from p. 355 of Birds of North America: Western Region by Fred J. Alsop III.  The book was published by DK Publishing in 2001.