Monday, April 29, 2024

Arroyo Book Club’s May Book


image of book cover next to picture of man the book is about

May is a non-fiction month for the Arroyo Book Club and the non-fiction title we will be reading is Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand.  This book takes us into one man’s WWII experience.  The catalog description of the book says: 

In 1943, while World War II raged on in the Pacific Theater, Lieutenant Louis Zamperini was the only survivor of a deadly plane crash in the middle of the ocean. Zamperini had a troubled youth, yet honed his athletic skills and made it all the way to the 1934 Olympics in Berlin. However, what lay before him was a physical gauntlet unlike anything he had encountered before: thousands of miles of open ocean, a small raft, and no food or water.

Stop by the branch to pick up a copy to read. You will find them in the usual location, just ask if you don’t know where that is.  If you like to read in “e” format, you’ll find plenty of copies available for checkout on Libby here

We will meet to discuss the book on Saturday, May 25 at 3 p.m. It will be a hybrid meeting so you have the option of attending in person or via Zoom. If you’d like to join us via Zoom let us know at so we can get the link to you.