Monday, May 29, 2023

Arroyo Seco Library Summer Reading Challenge Programs


(for Adults – though everyone is welcome)

We will be having a number of interesting programs as part of the summer reading challenge.  This year’s theme is “My LA” and hopefully this year’s slate of programs will help you explore your own LA. Feel free to join us for any or all of the programs.  Specific program details:

June 10 at 10:00
Walk HP

Celebrate this year’s summer reading theme of “My LA” by exploring Highland Park with us. We will walk down Figueroa perusing the Angels Walk LA signs and sharing our own tales of the neighborhood as we manage to socialize, exercise, and learn something new simultaneously. Everyone is welcome to join us.

June 17 from 1:00 to 5:00
Workshop on Repujado or Tin Work

Please join artist Miriam Quezada as she leads a free Repujado workshop. The audience will learn the history and techniques of this ancient art form of embossed metal. Participants will have hands on experience crafting their own embossed 3D creations to take home. All materials provided.

Class is limited to 20 so please sign up at the Information Desk.
This program is limited to adults

June 24 at 3:00
Arroyo Book Club

We will be reading a non-fiction title about Los Angeles. Stop by the library for a copy and join us for a lively discussion.

July 9 at 2:00
Santa Cecilia Orchestra presents Meet the Woodwinds

We invite you to bring your family to meet our orchestra family! Bring your favorite stuffed animal to this fun concert that demonstrates how sounds, melodies, rhythms, and instruments can bring music to life. Adults, kids and stuffed animals alike will enjoy discovering the woodwinds of the orchestra. Free admission.

July 15 at 3:00
Celebrate Highland Park with a Button

Explore your neighborhood with cell phone camera at the ready then join us to turn your favorite image into a button! Bring the photo already printed out or print it out when you get here. Everyone is welcome.

July 22 at 3:00
Arroyo Book Club

We will be reading a fiction title about Los Angeles. Stop by the library for a copy and join us for a lively discussion.

July 27 at 6:00
Walk Highland Park

Celebrate this year’s summer reading theme of “My LA” by exploring Highland Park with us. We will meet in the lobby and collectively decide what route we wish to follow. We will then set out; socializing, exercising, and learning more about our neighborhood as we go. Everyone is welcome.

Sign up for the Summer Reading Challenge and find out more about it here: