Monday, May 11, 2020

Let’s Make Something

Today’s project is a cute little use of old plastic milk containers that anyone in the family could do.  You will need:

  • Empty, cleaned, milk container (the plastic kind)
  • Scissors
  • Colored markers
  • Hole punch
  • Thread, yarn, string or something similar

Use your scissors to disassemble the container into rectangular sheets of plastic (see image below).  Using the scissors again, cut the plastic sheets into small (3 to 4 inch) shapes.  This will be your canvas. I used a circle and a square shape in my projects.

Use the hole punch to make a hole at the top of your small shape. If you’ve no hole punch a family adult could use the stove to heat up a metal skewer to melt a hole. This is what I had to do and it works quite well.

Use your colored markers to draw on your small plastic canvas.  You could freehand this or find an image to trace and color in. I traced the butterfly but drew the dog and the Mondrian colors (see image of finished project at top).

Use your string to hang your finished project up in a convenient window and enjoy.  My example used yarn because that’s all I had in the house but the yarn tended to twist the image so I would probably recommend a less twisty fiber… you can experiment.