Thursday, December 3, 2015


Book Jacket for: DietlandIn Dietland by Sarai Walker we meet Plum Kettle.  Plum works for a girls’ magazine answering emails sent to the editor Kitty.  Plum is a large woman who has spent her life constantly fighting her weight.  As the book opens she is looking forward to her scheduled stomach stapling and assuming that that operation will solve all her problems.  Things begin to change when Plum notices that she is being followed.  This encounter soon leads to her introduction to a cadre of women who commence changing Plum and her conception of beautiful as well as her expectations of the world.  In the background of the story (& intertwined in some ways) there is a vigilante group that is punishing men (& some women) who have seriously harmed women.  All in all an interesting book and an entertaining read though the author gets a bit carried away from time to time and I wish the vigilantes had proven to be more substantive.
