Tuesday, July 23, 2024

If you liked….


One of the branch's most checked out fiction titles last month was Kairos by Jenny Erpenbeck

If you liked it, then try these:

  • Yonahlossee Riding Camp for Girls by Anton DiSclafani : These atmospheric novels explore coming-of-age romances as the young female protagonists explore their sexuality in sometimes disturbing relationships with significantly older men
  • The Pole by J.M. Coetzee : These incisive and atmospheric literary fiction novels examine nuances and passions in extramarital affairs in which women fall for older men who share a mutual interest in art and music
  • The Girls of Summer by Katie Bishop : These bleak psychological novels chart disturbing relationships between young women and much older men
  • The Only Story by Julian Barnes : In this melancholy, stylistic novel the age discrepancy goes the other way as a young man enters a relationship with a much older woman