Tuesday, July 16, 2024

If you liked….


One of the branch's most checked out non-fiction books last month was Knife by Salman Rushdie

If you liked it, then try these

  • In the Eye of the Wild by Nastassja Martin : These compelling and thought-provoking memoirs explore the aftermath of shocking experiences with political violence (Knife) and a wild animal attack (In the Eye of the Wild). Knife reflects on the broader role of art; Wild investigates a transformed anthropological practice
  • Woman Life Freedom edited by Malu Halasa : Free expression -- and its price if a government is bent upon suppressing it -- is the sobering subject of these two quite different books. Both relate to Iran: its suppression of women's rights (Woman) and the 1989 fatwa against Salman Rushdie (Knife)
  • A Light in the Dark by Kathy Kleiner Rubin : These reflective memoirs recount the life-changing experience of surviving an assassination attempt (Knife) and an attack by a serial killer (A Light In the Dark)
  • Know My Name by Chanel Miller : In the aftermath of traumatic events, the authors of both compelling memoirs found healing through writing. Knife centers on an attempted murder; Know My Name on a rape