Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Bears Behaving Badly


Bears Behaving Badly by MaryJanice Davidson is a romance novel set amid a society of were creatures.  Davidson’s world is basically our world with all the were creatures living hidden amongst us.  Our main characters are Annette Garsea and David Auberon, both a variety of werebear.  Annette works for what is effectively child protective services and David is a private investigator.  David is involved in an incident involving a juvenile werewolf and werefox which brings the whole thing under Annette’s purview.  Investigation reveals a deeper crime involving juveniles of many types and Annette and David undertake to get to the bottom of things.

The book is quite a fun read though it is not for someone who enjoys complicated plots.  The reader can easily figure out what’s going on chapters ahead of the investigating main characters.  However the characters are fun and the romance is not too steamy, it only gets physical at the very end.  I would recommend this to people who like a good fantasy story.