Friday, March 26, 2021

Foundations of Mindfulness: A Learning Circle



Explore your own attitudes, mental habits and behaviors, and start on a pathway that will help you live with more freedom, authenticity, and ease by investigating the fundamental concepts, principles, and practices of mindfulness by joining us for our Foundations of Mindfulness Learning Circle.

In a learning circle, you sign up for an online class to take individually and then meet with your learning circle to work and think through the class materials.  The learning circle provides you the additional support you need to finish the class as well as giving you the richness of peer feedback to help you refine what you are learning.

Our learning circle will be taking the Rice University online class - Foundations of Mindfulness. Read the course description, preview the syllabus, and enroll here

Our learning circle will meet weekly via Zoom on Monday evenings from 6:00 to 7:30 beginning on April 12 and ending on May 10.  The April 12 meeting will be a shorter orientation session where we introduce ourselves, make sure everyone is correctly enrolled & answer any lingering questions, and decide collectively on the procedures we will follow.

Email to be added to the learning circle and receive our meeting link. You may also email if you have any questions you would like answered.