Monday, November 7, 2016

Marry Kiss Kill

Book Jacket for: Marry, kiss, killIn Marry Kiss Kill by Anne Flett-Giordano two Santa Barbara based detectives find themselves investigating three deaths, a local homeless musician gunned down in a park, a recently bankrupted financial mogul who seems to have committed suicide, and an eco-crazy psychologist who is found dead apparently accidently killed by a deer.  Are all of these deaths murders? How could they possibly be connected? Our detectives set to work and eventually bring justice to all.

The book is billed as humorous by its jacket copy but I just didn’t see it.  The characters are all pretty terrible people and the detectives are so snarky, sardonic, and tied up by questions of sex & relationship that it is hard to see them functioning in the real world.  This was not a book I enjoyed though I could see it appealing to someone who appreciates snark & sarcasm.