Thursday, March 5, 2015

March’s Electronic Resource of the Month…

The eResource of the month for March is one of my favorites --- the Oxford English Dictionary or OED.  This dictionary is marvelous fun to use even if you’re not in the market for a word definition.  I’ll admit that anytime I have a few moments to kill and nothing specific to do I’ll log on to the dictionary and just do random searches on words that catch my eye.  I particularly like to read the etymology sections about the words to find out where they came from.  I also enjoy reading the articles the dictionary puts out periodically on various aspects of the English language.  All in all this a reference I recommend for fun as well as for those who need to know what a particular word means.

You can access the OED from the library’s Research & Homework page (  You will need to have your library card if you are not using a library computer.  

So… go to the database and look up the most interesting word you can think of and then look up the least interesting word and see how interesting the plain little words we use really are.