Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Chronicles of Kazam

Book Jacket for: The last dragonslayer. Book Jacket for: The song of the Quarkbeast
When I belatedly discovered that one of my favorite authors, Jasper Fforde, had written a Young Adult series I immediately rushed out and got both entries. The books, The Last Dragonslayer and The Song of the Quarkbeast follow the adventures of Jenny Strange (a foundling) as she attempts to run Kazam Mystical Arts Management.  Kazam Mystical Arts Management is a business that manages the activities of a number of magic users in a world where (at least initially) magic is gradually declining.  Jenny deals with obstreperous employees, dastardly big business interests, egoistical government, & more as she strives to keep the business afloat and make the world a better place.  The books are interesting, engaging, entrancing, etc.  I would heartily recommend them.

By the way, if you haven’t read Fforde’s Thursday Next series you really should.