Friday, August 24, 2012

About the Arroyo Book Club….

Let’s talk for a minute about the Arroyo Book Club.  The Arroyo Book Club (or ABC as I refer to it) has been going strong for the past 6 years.  We meet once a month, on the fourth Saturday of the month at 3:00, and talk about the current selection.  We alternate between fiction and non-fiction books and all the books are recommended by a member of the club (you can find a list of all the books we’ve read over the course of the years here).  

I keep a list of books recommended by the members and each month pick a title that I can find enough copies of in the system.  At the end of each meeting we each check out a copy of the next book to read (and I extend the loan period until the next meeting date so that members can bring the book with them to the meeting.)  Of course you can read the book without actually attending the meeting.  I always order enough copies of the book to satisfy local demand – generally 25. 

The meetings themselves usually have 10-12 attendees.  Not everyone attends every meeting so one month you’ll see some people while in the next you’ll see a slightly different set.  The people are all very nice and our discussions are always interesting.  Anyone is welcome to read the book & join us at our meetings.