Sunday, January 12, 2025

Programming Coming up This Week

Find the in person programs at our branch as well as a selection of the exciting, virtual programs offered by branches across the city during the week below (programs in person at our branch unless otherwise noted). Visit our online calendar for our complete program selection….

1:00-5:00 Cybernaut Computer Assistance

4:00 Children’s Program

10:00-3:30 Cybernaut Computer Assistance
10:30 Baby & Toddler Storytime
3:00 STAR Reader: Jeffrey
5:00 Walk-In Tutor for Adults
6:00 Telescope Night with the Sidewalk Astronomers

10:30 Baby & Toddler Storytime
3:00 STAR Reader: Miss Katherine
4:00 Teen Program

10:00-3:30 Cybernaut Computer Assistance
6:00 Arroyo Writing Group

2:00 STAR Reader: Toni
3:00 Your Student Loan Guide: Find Relief, Reduce Payments, and Plan Your Future

Catch up with us on various sites...