Thursday, July 15, 2021

History of Highland Park…


Check out this 99-page booklet printed in 1950, titled “TheCity of Los Angeles: The First 100 Years..” It includes a nicely thorough essay on the history of the city to that point as well as comparisons between the city and city services in 1950 and in 1850.  There is also a nice chart showing how much of each dollar received is spent on what department or service.  I notice (partisanly) that the library department is at the very bottom of the 1950 list receiving only 2.4 cents from each dollar spent.  I also note that one of the Council Members has the same name as my father.

The images show an old versus a new (where 1950 is new) image of Rec & Park activity on the left and transportation on the right. The report includes numerous pictures.

Take a look at it for things that interest you.