Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Bi-weekly Trivia Question (Answer)….


Of course there is no right answer to the question who was your favorite author when you were 10 but let me share my answer.  Diana Wynne Jones is an author I loved reading at 10 and in fact I still like to read her books now that I am long past 10.  Jones writes books that are hard to define. They have strong fantasy elements when they aren’t outright fantasy and they are always a good story.  Her books include Howl’s Moving Castle (a title lovers of Japanese animated films will recognize). Jones is an author that other authors cite as someone they read (and loved) in childhood and later.

Find out all about Jones, and other authors of children’s and YA literature in the database Something About the Author.  This database is the Complete series on the lives and careers of popular and significant authors and illustrators of books for children and teens. Find the database listed alphabetically under S on LAPL’s Research & Homework page and access it with your library card