Friday, October 30, 2020

Learning Circles


We are looking to start a learning circle. What is a learning circle you ask? Well… Learning circles are free study groups for people who want to learn something together. Most learning circles meet weekly for the length of the course. Each learning circle is led by a facilitator who sets up the (virtual) space each week and helps to ensure that things flow smoothly. Without a teacher in the room, learning circles succeed through peer learning, a practice in which every participant is expected to bring their own experiences, share with one another, and give feedback.

What can you learn? Almost anything. Learning circles use free online courses as the basis of study. These courses come from online course providers, universities, and non-profit organizations from around the world. The universe of available courses is huge so a learning circle can be started for almost anything you can imagine.

I’d like to start by getting feedback from anyone who would be interested in participating in a learning circle with us. Specifically about what subjects you’d be interested in and what meeting day/time would be most appropriate.  Here is a quick survey form for you to fill out:

Thank you for your response and keep your eyes peeled for the next step.