Los Angeles County department of Public Works has moved all their gardening classes onto Zoom. Each class lasts about an hour and they include a question answering period. The classes they offer are:
Intro to Composting: Learn the basics of using backyard and worm composting systems to create a rich soil amendment to nourish your garden.
Water-wise Gardening: Guidance on creating a beautiful drought-tolerant landscape, as well as grasscycling for responsible lawn care.
Organic Gardening: How to build healthy soil, grow fruits and vegetables, and address common plant pests and diseases using organic methods.
Small-space Gardening: Learn to grow edible and decorative plants in containers and set up a small-space worm composting system.
Class attendees are eligible to purchase compost bins at a discounted rate as an added benefit. Visit https://pw.lacounty.gov/epd/sg/webinars.cfm for class schedules and to sign up.