Monday, March 23, 2020

Let’s Make Something

In the mood to make something using materials you (hopefully) have lying around the house? Then let’s get started. We’ll be making a small, decorative bowl out of paper.

You will need:

  • Magazine or catalog (for the paper)
  • Scissors
  • Tape
  • Glue


  • Carefully and neatly rip pages from your magazine or catalog.
  • Cut each page in half lengthwise.  If you want a more delicate finished bowl, cut the pages into half again, also lengthwise.
  • Take a strip and fold it in half lengthwise.  Unfold it and fold each edge to the middle line. Refold page inward. You should now have a narrow slat of paper. Repeat until all your paper sheets have been folded into slats (image 1).
  • Take a slat and roll it.  Make the roll tight an even.  As you reach the end of one slat use a bit of tape to attach the next slat so you can continue rolling.  Maintain tautness all the while (image 2).
  • When you have rolled your final slat into the coil use tape to fasten the end down to the coil (image 3).
  • Carefully tease the edges of the coil up so that a bowl is formed.  You will want to do this slowly to prevent the tragedy of everything uncoiling because one row was pulled up too far (image 4).
  • Seal the project off by applying several coats of a glue/water mixture, allowing everything to dry off between coats.  I’ve been using a 50/50 mixture of glue and water when I do this.

Experiment to see what changes you can make to improve your final project.  I’ve found that a narrow starting strip means I can make a smaller coil and ultimately a tiny, petite bowl while a wider strip means I need to make a bigger coil so the resulting bowl’s size balances with the depth of strip width. 

Newspaper will work with this project too and has the added advantage of yielding longer strips of paper.