Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Summer Reading Challenge 2019 – 360 Photography Workshop

Curious about the world of 360 photography & videography?  We will be exploring the topic in a two part workshop this June.  Come learn how to take and process 360 photos with a Samsung Gear camera…

In Session 1 we will focus on the basics.  This is designed for beginners as we learn about the camera, how it works, and practice using it to compose basic shots.  This session will be offered twice.  Once on 6/8 at 2:00 and again on 6/9 at 2:00.  Come to either session.

In Session 2 we will build on what we learned in session 1.  This time the goal will be go take a series of photos and use them to construct a slide show that tells a story.  This session will be offered twice.  Once on 6/12 at 6:00 and again on 6/15 at 1:00.  Come to either session.

Because we have a limited number of cameras you will want to sign up.  Stop by the reference desk to do so. 

Finally, bring your library card with you to the program.