Tuesday, April 18, 2017

The Immortals

Book Jacket for: The immortalsIn The Immortals Jordanna Max Brodsky introduces us to Selena DiSilva as she finds the body of a young woman gruesomely killed.  Selena is not your ordinary woman, however, she is actually the Greek goddess Artemis dwindled down with the passage of time and the loss of worshipers to a state of almost powerlessness.  Artemis has always been a protector of innocents though so she begins to investigate the murder with an eye to exacting revenge.  More bodies turn up and it seems the killer or killers might not be all that human.

This is an interesting book that I couldn’t put down even though it had some serious logic flaws in its depiction of which Greed gods were dwindling away and which weren’t and why.  [SLIGHT SPOILER] I also had difficulty believing that a goddess devoted to chastity for thousands of years would fall in love with an obnoxious & annoying human man.  

All that aside this is a book I would heartily recommend.