“The Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles (LAFLA) now offers a teleconferencing center right here at the Main branch of LA Law Library, where you can speak to a lawyer live, send them documents and get answers to important questions. They offer legal advice and guidance to eligible individuals on a variety of civil matters, including evictions, divorces, and child custody. They can also provide referrals to private attorneys, other legal services, and other resources as needed.”Anyway if you’re involved in a legal issue or have law related questions check out the LA County Law Library. They’re located downtown at 301 W. First Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012. Phone: 213-785-2529
Find their website here: http://www.lalawlibrary.org/
Find a list of their workshops & classes here: http://www.lalawlibrary.org/index.php/classes-events/current-classes.html