Thursday, May 12, 2016

Primates of Park Avenue

Book Jacket for: Primates of Park Avenue : a memoirI liked the premise of the book Primates of Park Avenue by Wednesday Martin more then I liked the actual book.  The premise is that Martin, an anthropology/primatology researcher, would turn a field working eye on her Upper East Side New York neighborhood.  The reality is that Martin apparently went “native” quite early in her experiment and what we get is the personal reminisces of someone living a rather indefensible style of life.  The book is instructive in the sense that we get a picture of how completely different the lives of these economically rewarded people are from our own lives but I was left with no empathy for their struggles and no respect for the author as a scientist.

Not really recommended though those with a prurient interest in the lives of the women of the 1% might find it interesting.