Tuesday, April 5, 2016

April’s eResource of the Month….

AccessScience is the April electronic resource of the month.  AccessScience is a resource for high school and adult users which covers all major scientific topics.  It contains 8,500 articles written by experts in science.  In addition to articles, the online resource also includes biographies, videos, images and definitions.  Find a flyer with more detailed information about AccessScience here: http://www.lapl.org/sites/default/files/articles-and-information/pdfs/eb1a-2fc60-df9e5000_0.pdf 

AccessScience can be accessed through the library’s website (http://www.lapl.org/) on any computer (though you will need your library card number in PIN).  Simply go to the Research & Homework page and scroll down the alphabetical list to find it (http://www.lapl.org/collections-resources/research-and-homework#A).