Wednesday, May 6, 2015

TOW (& Answer)...

The question was what do you know about Erichthonius?  To answer I’m going to quote entirely from the source:
Erichthonius was a son of Hephaestus by Gaea or Atthis and was a half-serpent, half man.  Athena became his guardian and concealed him in a chest which she put Agraulos, Pandrosos, and Herse to guard. She forbade them to open the chest, but they did, and, observing the child in the form of a serpent (or entwined with serpents), they were thrown into madness and flung themselves from the acropolis or into the sea.
The question (& answer) came from p. 138 of the Dictionary of Classical Mythology by Robert E. Bell.  The book was published in 1982 by ABC-Clio.