Monday, February 2, 2015

February’s Electronic Resource of the Month….

The LAPL Photo Collection is the February Electronic Resource of the Month and an excellent resource it is.  It is one I’ve often used for a variety of purposes.  I use it as a librarian of course to answer questions that call for a visual depiction of a house or neighborhood.  I use it for fun… sometimes I’ll just do a search on the weirdest thing I can think of to see what pictures turn up.  I’ve even used it for a quick “I need a present”… Find a picture of something that the person you need a present for likes and then, if you’ve time, frame it.  Always well received.

You can find the LAPL Photo collection by going to the library’s website ( and selecting the Photo Collection link.  You will find it to the right in the teal colored banner.  Once on the photo search page you can construct a keyword or photographer search and have the ability to limit by year.  I encourage you to go play with this resource and see what cool pictures you can find.