Monday, January 7, 2013

Websites I Use…

Well I recently finished the book Slow Apocalypse by Varley.  This is a book that gets you thinking seriously about what you would need to do to survive a disaster.  To successfully plan you need information and one place you can find that type of information is on the Ready LA ( website.  This is a disaster preparedness website put together by the city.  Here you will find you will find:
  1. Disaster awareness preparation links for earthquakes, fires, severe weather & flooding, terrorism, public health, and hazardous materials just to name a few.
  2. Emergency information for disabled persons, seniors, children, schools, businesses, families, pet owners, etc. 
  3. Information on recovery assistance, utility shut-offs, communications, disaster planning, emergency videos, and emergency supply kits.
  4. In addition there are links to Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and the Red Cross as well as a listing of police/fire stations, hospitals, utility companies, and pertinent city services within your designated zip code.
 Check it out and make yourself a concrete plan.