Tuesday, April 23, 2024


Shakespeare in a different light.

drawing of Shakespeare against a very colorful background

Join us on Saturday May 4 at 3 p.m. for a Shakesperience

We are often introduced to Shakespeare as great literature – something to be read, dissected and studied.

In Shakespeare’s time, he was a showman. His plays were thrilling, emotional experiences for feisty crowds who love poetry and word play, theatricality, magic, romance, and humor.

Seen in this light, over 400 years later, Shakespeare’s works remain compelling adventures that still touch our hearts.

Join us as we use Shakespeare’s quotes, monologues, sonnets, sword play and even a bit of music… to explore his exciting contributions to drama, to writing, to modern language and his insights into the big, messy experience of being human today.

Discover a fresh connection and your own passion for the works of Shakespeare.

Everyone is welcome.