Friday, May 2, 2014

Game Day….

What are your favorite games to play?  Which do you play alone & which do you need other living people to play?  If we were to arrange a game play day here at the library what games would we have to offer for you to be interested in coming?

I will confess that my favorite game is Scrabble.  I have some computer & phone versions so if I can’t talk my companions into playing with me I can always play against the machine --- which I do --- daily.  Another game I like is cribbage.  My grandmother used to play with me which makes it a very nostalgic game for me.  Lately I’ve been playing an online game called 2048 (  It is a very simple number game that is surprisingly addictive.

So let’s hear from you on two topics:
  • What game or games should I set up for a entertaining GAME DAY at the library?
  • What is your favorite game in general (type unspecified)?
You can try using the comments on the blog page to respond or you can email your thoughts to or catch us on twitter @ArroyoSeco5.