Friday, October 23, 2020

The Labyrinth Index

Charles Stross continues his Laundry Files series with The Labyrinth Index.  This volume switches the focus of action to Mhari Murphy, original HR rep from hell who switched to banking and was converted to the local version of vampirism.  Mhari is tapped by the Prime Minister, now the elder god N’yar Lat-Hotep, to America and tasked her with rescuing the President who has been forgotten by all American citizens as the result of a plot by an occult agency determined to awaken Cthulhu.  

As you can tell, Stross’ series has at this point departed quite radically from the world we live in.  The pathway of this divergence has actually been one of the fun things to watch across the course of the series.  This book, despite the rather outlandish sounding plot, was quite enjoyable.  Although the book could be understood independently from the series you will get more nuance from it if you’ve read the series.  Recommended.