Tuesday, January 2, 2018

January’s eResource of the Month…

If you have a car and like doing your own repair work…
If you’d like to know enough to understand what the mechanic is doing ….
If you’d like to know what an anticipated repair is going to cost before you head into to see your mechanic….

Then January’s eResource is the tool you are looking for.  January’s eResource of the Month is the Chilton Library.  The Chilton Library provides online access to repair, maintenance, specification tables and service information on thousands of domestic and imported models including cars, trucks, vans, and SUVs from 1940 to the present.  Each article includes labor estimations, step-by-step instructions, wiring diagrams, troubleshooting and diagnostic information with close-up photos and illustrations.  

Find the Chilton Library on the Library’s website in the Research & Homework section (http://www.lapl.org/collections-resources/research-and-homework#C).  You will need your library card to access it from your home computer.  Note that the Chilton Library description on the Research & Homework page includes a link to a video tutorial to provide you with additional assistance in making the most of this tool.